We are open daily 10:00 - 16:00   |  01752 837645

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Dartmoor Zoological Society is a not-for-profit Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales under number 1158422, whose registered office is at Dartmoor Zoological Park, Sparkwell, Plymouth, PL7 5DG.

Our vision is to inspire and empower people to achieve a future in which no animal species faces extinction through human action.

Our mission is to educate, inform, inspire and empower people to be more connected with the natural world and take greater responsibility for their impact.

Our desired outcomes are for people to:

  • be better able to make life choice which impact positively on the natural world;
  • have better understanding of animal conservation;
  • have improved wellbeing resulting from a connection with nature.

Our five year Business Aims (2019-2024) are:

  • ensure financial stability and sustainability to develop the charity;
  • develop the DZS site and collection to be highly attractive and educational for our guests all year round;
  • necome EAZA accredited and participate in their endangered breeding programmes;
  • be internationally recognised by the public and industry as a great zoological charity;
  • ensure DZS continues to be a great place to work that moves ideas forward;
  • develop our capability to provide wellbeing provision through nature.