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Please don’t forget about us prickly beings this bonfire season!

Hedgehogs, once a common sight in our gardens and woodlands, are now classified as ‘Near Threatened’ on the latest IUCN Red List release. It’s a stark reality that in the last decade alone, observations indicate that their numbers have decreased by a whopping 30%, potentially more!

Urban development, agricultural expansion and road infrastructure is creating a huge fracture within the hedgehog’s habitat, giving them less space to survive and thrive, whilst factors such as road collisions, pesticides, poorly maintained gardens and events such as Halloween and Bonfire Night, are drastically contributing to their numbers declining.

Bonfire Night…Halloween? You may ask…Yes! Beloved events by many, are unfortunately contributing to the hedgehog population decline. Hedgehogs might get hold of your pumpkin leftovers which seems harmless enough, but they are unable to digest pumpkins, leaving them incredibly ill, or worse. Then there’s Bonfire Night. Woodpiles provide the perfect shelter for our spikey friends; however, these often go unchecked, meaning the new inhabitants get trapped and are unfortunately killed as a result.

So, what can we do to help ensure this incredible, native species survives?

  1. Properly dispose of your pumpkins – although perfectly suitable for some animals, this results in many unwanted hedgehog fatalities. By removing this food and their temptation, you will make more of a difference than you realise!
  2. Build and light your bonfires on the same day – the longer a woodpile is in your garden, the more likely a hedgehog is going to try and make it their new home! If left unattended at any point, make sure you check inside with a torch and listen out for any huffing sounds!
  3. Create hedgehog highways – you can purchase these premade, or just have gaps in your garden fence for hedgehogs to continue their journey safely through gardens, rather than on dangerous roads.
  4. Leave out water and food – freshwater and wet, meat based, dog or cat food is a saving grace for a hedgehog and something most people have readily available in their kitchen cupboards!
  5. Avoid using slug pellets – often unwanted guests in our gardens, hedgehogs take care of this issue for us, as slugs are a huge food source for them. By leaving a healthy supply of slugs in your garden, you’re helping hedgehogs stay nourished and healthy.
  6. Pond escape routes – if you have a pond in your garden, this can be dangerous for unsuspecting hedgehogs! Ensure your pond has gently sloping sides, or place a plank of wood leading out, so any caught hedgehogs can escape.

If you find a hedgehog that seems like it needs your help, please move slowly and calmly, make sure to wear gardening gloves to pick up the hedgehog and any nesting materials, or place them in a cardboard box lined with newspaper. Once moved, please ensure you’re leaving them in a safe location such as under a woodpile or a bush away from main roads.

Conservation of this species is more vital than ever before, unless we all take steps to help wherever we can, before we know it, it will be too late. Please do your part, spread the word and help create an environment where hedgehogs are safe and protected, so their numbers can steadily rise, rather than rapidly decrease. Together, we can make an impact.

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