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Like many other places, Dartmoor Zoo are feeling the impact of the cost-of-living crisis with electricity bills reaching new highs of £72,000 and animal feed surpassing £60,000 for the year. This has led to the creation of Dartmoor Zoo’s ‘Give us an Hour’ fundraising campaign, where the ask is for an hour of your time, whether that is wages, volunteering or fundraising.

This campaign struck a chord with violinist, Niobe, who is taking centre stage on Saturday 2nd March, 2:30pm at Dartmoor Zoo and performing in front of Dragan, a spectacular Amur tiger. Niobe, who is just 10 years old, has a special place in her heart for animals and wants to use her musical talents to raise much needed funds for Dartmoor Zoo.

Niobe commented: “I absolutely love Big Cats! They’re so amazing and majestic with all different personalities. My favourite are cheetahs because they’re beautiful, fast, and graceful. I really hope I can help all of the big cats at Dartmoor Zoo by earning money for them with my music.”

Aimee, Niobe’s mum commented: Niobe’s two favourite things are Big Cats and playing her violin. Although she’s only ten, I’m so proud of her commitment and effort to achieve this well-intentioned goal and I sincerely hope she gets the support needed to make a positive difference to the zoo.”

This practice session leads up to her full performance in Ashburton where Niobe will take to the streets and busk for an hour. Cash can be given on the day, but an online fundraising account also exists, where people can donate in support of Niobe’s talents and Dartmoor Zoo.

Fundraising Lead Vanessa Apicella commented: “I’m thrilled that Niobe has chosen Dartmoor Zoo’s ‘Give us an Hour’ appeal as the platform to showcase her talents! The support we’ve received has been extraordinary, and we eagerly anticipate her complete performance in Ashburton. I’ll definitely be there to cheer her on, and I hope you will join me in supporting her.”

To show Niobe support, you can see her performance in Ashburton, outside of the Arts Centre (West Street) on Saturday 30th March at 11am, so make sure to bring some change and cheer on this amazing young fundraiser in the making!

To support Niobe online, you can donate via her fundraising page!

Travelling from Karlsruhe Zoo in Germany, Emily, Flaviu’s new love interest, arrived at Dartmoor Zoo on Tuesday 27th February. At 7 years old, Emily has been selected as a compatible match for Flaviu within the European Breeding Programme.

Director of Karlsruhe Zoo Prof Dr Matthias Reinschmidt commented: “We are very pleased that a very nice place has been found for this lynx bred by us as part of the studbook.”

Initial observations and health checks have been conducted and Emily seems calm, in good spirits and is settling into her new home well. These observations will continue to monitor her overall wellbeing after the move, whilst also conducting introductions between the new pair.

Emily and Flaviu are Carpathian Lynx, a subspecies of Eurasian Lynx, the largest of all 4 species. The majority of this species can be found in Romania, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine, whilst the population in Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria is scattered.

The total number of lynxes in Europe (including Russia and Belarus) is estimated between 17 – 18000, with the Carpathian Lynx species responsible for approximately 2100 – 2400 of this population.

Lynx were once native to the UK, being hunted to extinction some 1,300 years ago. Their last stronghold is thought to have been the Scottish Highlands, although some more recent cultural references can be found from Welsh poetry as late as the 9th Century.

Lynx have been successfully reintroduced into the wild in Switzerland, Germany and Slovenia and there have been formal proposals to reintroduce Lynx into parts of the UK. Many feel that they are the most suitable large predator for reintroduction in the UK. Proponents argue that they would help to naturally control deer populations and, therefore, their reintroduction would help restore habitats, particularly forests which are currently being over-grazed by deer.

CEO David Gibson commented: “We are very excited about the arrival of Emily our new female Carpathian Lynx. Emily was born in Karlsruhe Zoo in Germany as part of the European Breeding programme for this species. She is a very beautiful cat with lovely markings, and it is wonderful to see how calm she is exploring her new home. We are hoping that she forms a breeding pair with our male Lynx, Flaviu. It’s a huge privilege for us at Dartmoor Zoo to be part of the European Lynx breeding programme. We’re extremely excited at the thought of possibly welcoming new kittens, and with your support, this can be just the beginning of many more programs we can embark on.”

Here’s How You Can Help: 

Support Wildlife Conservation: Your donations directly contribute to our conservation efforts and support breeding programmes, ensuring a future for species like Flaviu and Emily.

Raise Awareness: Help us spread the word by sharing this news. The more people who understand the importance of wildlife conservation as well as how international breeding programs can help, the bigger the impact we can make.

Learn and Visit: Come meet Flaviu and our new arrival Emily! Witness their beauty and learn about the importance of conservation efforts in ensuring the survival of their species and that of others across the world.

Dartmoor Zoo has welcomed a new binturong to the DZS family. Not yet named, he’s happy, healthy, and settling into his new home nicely. The binturong was transported to Dartmoor Zoo on Wednesday 5th July from ‘Get to know animals’ at Epping, Essex, London.

Dartmoor Zoo’s Curator Scott commented:

Binturongs also known as the Bearcat, Malay Civet Cat and are members of Viverridae, they are most closely related to Civets, Genets, and Fossa.

Predominantly found in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Philipines, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam and some areas of China, the IUCN classifies them as Vulnerable due to the illegal pet trade, deforestation, poaching for furs and being captured to make civet coffee.  Unfortunately, binturongs are also captured and eaten in Laos as it is considered a delicacy.

Our binturong is a Palawan binturong from the island of Palawan in the Philippines and is a very unique subspecies that has been isolated for a while. They are smaller and more nocturnal than other subspecies and much rarer in captivity. There is a huge illegal wildlife trade problem in Palawan where many animals including binturongs are taken from the wild and then sold. Unfortunately, the punishments for this are negligent and do not deter the offenders from repeating the offense.

Our binturong was imported from Asia legally by an unknown source but most likely was taken from the wild due to the issues on Palawan, before leaving the private individual and finding a home at ‘Get to know animals’ where they gave him amazing treatment and helped settle him in and bring him out of his shell.”

Our binturong is a magnificent animal, a symbol of the diversity and beauty of our natural world. But this incredible animal has suffered greatly at the hands of those who did not understand the importance of protecting and respecting all living beings. For far too long, he endured neglect and abuse, living a life of fear and pain.

Here at Dartmoor Zoo, we are incredibly honoured to be able to give him this new lease of life and feel he deserves a new name to reflect this and that’s where you come in!

The keepers have shortlisted five names and with a minimum £1 donation you can pick your favourite. The name with the most votes will be announced on Facebook, with the bonus of one lucky donor who will win a family pass to Dartmoor Zoo, where they can see the binturong in person! The five names are:

  1. Mee-Noi which means little bear in Thai
  2. Malu which means shy in Indonesian
  3. Bao which means treasure in Vietnamese
  4. Mahina which means vulnerable in Filipino
  5. Irawan which is a river in Palawan

To pick your winner and give our binturong a new name for his new life, you can make your charitable donation here.